
Morning Kayaking

This morning before Matt had to go to work we went kayaking along the Charles River with our friends the Killpack's. It was so much fun!! We got a four person kayak so that we could all be together. We all know about my phobia with water so I was a little nervous to get in when Matt told me there were alligators in the river...but then I found out he was just lying and was able to relax and enjoy the ride.

We kayaked along the prettiest scenery. It reminded me of Monet's garden or something. As you can tell...I love everything about Boston. Everywhere we go I'm amazed at how gorgeous it is here!!
Matt picked me this flower from the lily pads we paddled along. They were so pretty and there were also tons of ducks and birds swimming in the river. Dreamy!! Thanks for inviting us Devin and Marilee!! It was a blast!!


mare said...

shoot you beat me to it! you are dang speedy! i thought you may have been posting:) ha bloging rules our lives. i might steal some of your pics cause we have 3 maybe. that was a blast

mare said...

ps--- way to be for sporting the most fabulous swimwear i've seen this summer. could you have any better style?

Chelsea said...

okay... cutest couple ever! that looks so so fun! i'm so glad you guys are doing a ton over there and seeing as much as you can. what a fun summer! and i agree with mare... best swimsuit!! where ever did you get it?

Madeline said...

i love how you and matt are in full fledge swimwear, while the other couple remains fully dressed. way to be slutty. no jk but be sure to tell everyone who picked out that killer swimsuit for ya :) oh and by the way, that is gorgeous. maybe you, me and pat could rent a kayak while we're out there. could you imagine how sore you'd be after rowing me and pat around?? we're going to have a chuck full weekend. i'm freakin excited!

CharLee Carn said...

Okay..how fun is kayaking! That looked like so much fun! I'm so glad your having a blast here in Boston because we've had so much fun having you here with us!! Love ya!

Tyler and Dru said...

so i totally had a similar experience the other day. i got out in that creek by mom and dads and sat on a log a floated down. i saw that really cool bridge right there on the route to the church and picked a couple of dead weeds. it was so fun. :) you loser.......way to have a way cooler summer than me. that really was beautiful. i'm glad you guys are living it up there! love ya!

Brett and Lisa said...

You have the life I tell ya.. That looks so beautiful! I'm jealous. thanks for the cute comments! Definately we married chicks need to stick together!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...


I love checking in on your blog! Fun fun and I loved all the wedding pics. You were such a pretty bride. What a fun adventure being back east. When Chad and I were newlymarried we lived in Indiana working for Apex too. Does Todd Peterson still own it? Small world, enjoy these fun times, back then we didn't have two nickels to rub together but we have SO many wonderful memories of all the fun experiences we had. Enjoy it!