
Movie Marathon

Don't you worry...even in Boston I go see movies the second they come out. On Thursday night APX paid for our office to go to the midnight showing of Batman!! You can only imagine my excitement. 1) I love movies, and basically see everything that comes to theaters even if I don't think it looks that good. 2) Getting things for free when you're poor and married is like the best thing ever. and 3) It was actually a movie that Matt and I agreed that we really wanted to see and were going to splurge and spend money on. You can only imagine how wonderful it was to find out we were going to get to go for free.

I loved it!!!! Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of these kind of movies. This one however was SO good. It helped to have Heath Ledger in it...I'm a huge fan of him. He is amazing in this movie. He totally steals the show I think. I highly recommend it.

Today us girls went to see Mamma Mia. It was a fun movie. We were laughing a lot!!! It, like Batman, has a great cast. No one beats Karen from Mean Girls. She's actually really cute in this movie.

I highly recommend both of these movies! Go see them if you get the chance!


mare said...

hey sorry I couldnt make it today. I watched Kyler Prina so they could celebrate their anniversary. I'm glad you liked it, I'll have to go see it. Oh and cant wait for second hand store shoppin' baby!

McKenzie... said...

I love free movies too! Our office went to dinner and Batman last night so I definitely agree its the best when you can go out for free!:) I am happy to hear you liked mamma mia as well...I really want to see it but I am sure it won't be with Jesse. I'll have to find some girls to see that one with.

mare said...

sorry I comment on your blog every five seconds, i cant help it. Yes, please steal the idea and do it with me- lets find old vintage plates somewhere out here!

Tyler and Dru said...

seriously how good was batman!?! i also went on thursday night at midnight and i was exhausted and never thought i'd stay awake......but i was wired through the whole thing. i couldn't close my eyes for one minute. it scared the crap out of me. i had to sleep with the light on!! i know.....i'm a total wimp. but heath ledger was so good and creepy in it. i love him! i'm glad you guys got to go see it as well! love ya eff.

Meeker home said...

Totally can't wait to see those movies...when they come out on video of course cause that's the way we do it at the Meeker house. So happy for you that you got to see Batman for free! It's amazing how joyful that makes you feel when you have no money. Always love the free stuff!