

Monday has become my favorite day. The week can become pretty exhausting, and by Wednesday or Thursday I become Satan to everyone around me because I'm so tired and sick of going to work and school. I know people are a lot more busy then me out in the world, but I'm not used to being gone from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM everyday. I hate it!!! When Matt and I finally see each other at the end of the day, we eat dinner and go to bed. Our relationship is suffering! Monday is our lazy day....we both get done with everything by four! YAY! Monday is also wonderful because Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, and The Hills are on. All of my favorite shows..although I must admit I've become an instant 90210 fan. Trashy?? I think not. Anyways....this Monday was extra fun because Michelle and Beth came over. Well, Beth comes over every Monday which is super fun but it was great to have Michelle join us. Nothing could be better then pizza, cookies, diet coke, and some good gossip. Thanks for coming guys!!

Here is your first glimpse of Matt and I's wonderful house. You can see the pink walls and turquoise carpet in the background. We can't complain! We love it!! Stay tuned for more pictures of Grandmas...


Mark, Eko and Leoniss Burroughs said...

don't worry to much about not seeing matt to much, you get use to it and it gets better. the holidays will be better when you are done with school. so is that you guys house or is it an apartment. where do you guys rent/own at? we are finally going home to utah this weekend.

Meeker home said...

Oh I'm so glad you have one calm night to relax (but um...remember how you Sundays with ME? Shouldn't Sunday be your favorite? I'm just saying...) And I love your floating oven in the middle of the pink wall. Classic newlywed pad. Love it.

Tyler and Dru said...

eff! happy birthday!! how fun that your friends came over to watch all your shows. i hate to admit it but i like 90210 too! what!?! yeah i know i should have probably grown out of those shows by now but i haven't. eff, have a super day kay sis! love ya!

Baldersons said...

Ha ha I love the pictures..Beth's face is classic! I'm sure if anyone can make a house with turquoise carpet and pink walls cute it is you!

K Walton said...

dude, i totally agree with you on the becoming satan by the time wednesday hits...wednesdays are my "stay away from me day." Where is your house??

Brett and Lisa said...

Looks like you gals are having fun! And your home looks adorable. I tagged you, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to!