

and feeling so wonderful! I took my last final of college on Monday. We went to Spaghetti Factory to celebrate. Also, congrats to Matt for only having his internship left. It's amazing to see light at the end of the tunnel.


Tyler and Dru said...

C.O.N.G.R.A.T.S. This is a big deal!! I'm really very extremely happy for you. There is nothing better than being done with school forever :)

Meeker home said...

Awesome! What is your degree in? (I feel like the worst sister in the world right about now.) I'm very proud of you nonetheless.

Jamey and Michelle said...

WOW what an accomplishment! That is really so exciting. Perfect timing too with the babe coming. You guys are so lucky we still have a long haul.

Unknown said...

eve! I just found your cute blog! congrats on the baby! You will LOVE being a mom!!

Michelle and Brady said...

Yeah!!! Thats so exciting! Im so happy for you guys! We miss you tons by the way! Hope things are going good with the baby!