We were excited to celebrate the 24th this year since we lived in Boston last summer and missed it. We went to Salt Lake and the boys went golfing and the girls went swimming at the Salt Lake Country Club. My uncle has a membership and we felt like high rollers...then we went back to Pat and Rolfe's for a wonderful dinner. (Homemade cafe rio!! Yum!!) We were then going to go to a carnival but were all too lazy and tired from the week so we hung out, rewatched bachelorette episodes, and were entertained by Tate. The next morning Maddie and I had to wake up at 5:30 to do a clinic for our CNA program. Did I ever mention I'm doing a CNA class at SLCC this summer? I have class every night from 4:30-8:30 and 4 Saturdays in August and September we go to clinics at nearby nursing homes and hospitals. I feel very cool in my scrubs and actually really really love the program. It's so insteresting to learn about and clinics are tiring, gross, interesting, funny, helpful, and eye opening all at the same time. I can't imagine how attached you'd get to the cute people if you worked with them everyday because I only worked with them for 1 day and am already obsessed with some of them. This was our first clinic and I'm excited to see how the rest go.
Fred died..(our fish). Who knew that when you changed the fish water and replaced it with freezing cold water the fish would go into shock and die!? Whoops!! It was a sad day at our house. Fred was our first pet. We immediately went to the pet store and replaced him with Theo. Theo poops more but he's cute and we're going to take better care of this one. It's a good thing we started with a fish and not a dog..
Also, I chopped my hair off. It's completely gone. Pictures to come soon...
Friday (July 10th) was Matt's 25th birthday. I had planned a couple of things to make the day fun for him. He got off work early and I took him golfing at Thanksgiving Point. I also got him guitar hero (which he literally hasn't stopped playing since Friday night) and I planned a cruise for us (to Mexico) that we will be going on in October!! He was so excited/shocked/overjoyed/thrilled about the cruise. It was a very fun day. Happy birthday Matt!! I'm glad you had such a good birthday, you deserved it!