
A Very Merry Christmas..

A special thanks to our families and friends who made this holiday so special. We don't know what we would do without you!!


Christmas Festivities

We have done a lot to celebrate Christmas this year:

1) We got our house festive. We bought a big tree and some decorations. It may take me several years to accumulate neat ornaments though. :(

2) We kept the Horsley family tradition alive, and walked around the Festival of Trees.

3) We attended some holiday parties and got some great white elephant gifts.

4) We've been watching Christmas movies at home and seen them in theaters. We went to see A Christmas Carol in 3D. I of course thought it was scary, Matt loved it. We had fun with our 3D glasses.

5) I saw the Nutcracker with my sisters and nieces. I LOVED it (as I always do), and will try to attend every year.

6) Most importantly, we've gotten to reunite with family we haven't seen/talked to in a while. Yesterday we talked to Matt's brother Kevin, who is on a mission. We skyped with him, so it was like we were face to face (very cool!!). We have also been so excited to spend time with Mads, Wy Wy, and Steph.

As you can tell, we've really enjoyed being done with school, and are trying to soak up every second of Christmas break. I'm so excited for Matt to open his presents on Christmas. I think I did good this year folks. More updates to come and Merry Christmas. :)


Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I love the meal, and the anticipation of Christmas. We had an especially great Thanksgiving this year. On Wednesday night we went and made gingerbread houses at Matt's parents. Ours was actually terrific. It took us about 3 hours to make, but I was very happy with the results compared to last year.

On Thanksgiving day Matt played in a turkey bowl (which he is still sore from..we should work out more often) and I watched the parade all morning. Then we had a delicious meal at Pat and Rolfe's.

Right after eating, we left on a little road trip to California. It was dreamy to be in Coronado, which is a Horsley family favorite. My mouth waters thinking of the food we eat. The only downfall of the trip was that I forgot to bring pants. That's right, I didn't bring one pair of pants. I had some pajamas and a few skirts, but it was quite cold and miserable.

Thanks Pat and Rolfe for a wonderful and relaxing vacation. It was the perfect way to start finals. It calmed us down. We hope you all had a fun Thanksgiving break!