i haven't posted for about two months..
it makes me sad. every time i go for awhile without blogging i consider stopping all together.
i'm sure many people do this.
sometimes it just seems like another daunting task on my to do list.
however, i didn't give up. :)
here are some of the many things that have happened in the last couple months, which explain my absence:

first off, we moved. oddly, i don't even have a picture of the outside of our house...just the first meal we ate there. obviously my priorities are a bit off. anyways, we've lived here for exactly 18 days. first impressions of the house: so expensive, fun to decorate, i live on a farm, i'm a hillbilly, wow- completely different experience having a baby with his own room.
i was beyond devastated to move out of my parent's house. yes, i'm that type of girl. how can we ever thank them for all that they've done for us this last year!? we love them.

these two handsome men got blessed. wyatt always gives the most beautiful, sweet blessings. it was so fun to honor these cute boys (they didn't wear these dino onesies on their blessing day, just to clear that up. aren't they so cute though?).

graham called dru before he got dressed to make sure they'd be wearing the exact same thing.

these five moved to michigan, which means i spent as much time with them as i possibly could. i got to hang out with tate once a week this summer. seriously the best.

my mom, wyatt, and i had birthdays.
okay, so really those are the only things that happened in the last couple months. moving is H A R D with a baby though, in my defense.
In Graham news-
he is learning something new every day. it's so much fun! he is crawling, pulling up on furniture, picking up food with his hands, has three teeth, and is talking non stop. he loves to pull his hair when he nurses, could eat grapes for every meal, got his first fever at nine months, puts his fingers in any hole in his body (nose, ear, mouth), constantly feels sticky ever since he started eating breakfast, always has lint in between his fingers and in his neck (even though i clean them fifty times a day), is getting more shy, loves mom, and could look at books all day.

a byu fan.

quite the daredevil. we'll have to watch him closely when he grows up.

very hyper around dad.

the worst sleeper alive. this just recently dawned on me. i don't know these things, he's my first. i just thought that's how babies were. tonight he was crying for so long in his crib and actually fell asleep sitting up. is that even possible? i guess, with his dad's genes. matt can also fall asleep anywhere, in any position. these men amaze me. anyways, we've got a stubborn one on our hands.

help me...

unfortunately this is not staged. yes, i put his binky in my mouth sometimes. i don't like when it gets lost.

eats like an angel.

in fact, he'll do anything for food.

check out that bed head.

i think we may even have a chef on our hands. rachael ray is his favorite show. he can barely even concentrate on picking up his grape.

is binky obsessed. he'll lose friends for them. sorry, wells.

wells is catching on nicely though.

still gets called a girl by everyone. honestly, i don't think any stranger has ever called him a boy.

has the chubbiest little hands. he's doomed with the combo of matt and i's fingers. no offense, matt. :)
he couldn't be cuter.