
Wedding Celebrations

Wedding parties have finally started for Dru!! It is so exciting....she's getting fabulous gifts and we all get to enjoy fabulous food and company.

This Sunday was the second week at our ward and we got our calling. We get to teach the seven year olds!! I'm really really excited...and Matt is not so excited but we're happy we get to teach together. We went to Pat and Rolfe's for dinner. They made fabulous food (see Erin's blog) and we had fun hot tubbing and doing our usual Sunday activities. It might not be the best idea to hot tub on Sundays but it's a tradition at the Horsley house.


Meeker home said...

Ooooh- I like the new background color. Okay so the part about Will forgetting his pants was cracking me up. What? You have a problem with us showing up for Sunday dinner in our underwear?? Bring it.

Tyler and Dru said...

Eff! thanks for taking some pics from my shower. i seriously am banking on the gifts!! thanks to all you guys. how funny does tess look in those boots! i love that she wouldn't take them off. i seriously had to carry her upstairs because she could barely walk in them. love ya!

Chelsea said...

oh my goodness- why on earth did you post that rechid pic of me with my crusty and g's hangin out?! yikes- scary stuff!