

My sister Maddie and her husband Matt moved to Dallas yesterday. I was such a bawl baby and cried basically all day. People even asked me if I was pregnant because I had so many emotions going on (and I've put on a little weight lately). Maddie has been my source of strength here in Provo. I currently have no one to watch the bachelor with, chat with at work, go to the mall with, or borrow clothes from because she's left me. Maddie has molded my personality in so many ways. I've learned how to be kind, helpful, generous, and many other wonderful things from her. We're excited for them to start this new adventure but they will be very missed.


K Walton said...

I would like to see you "put on weight." Not possible! So sorry you are loosing your buddy! Maybe this is a sign you should move to Salt Lake County.

Tyler and Dru said...

oh eff. i just did my farewell post about them and was already sad. now i'm reading yours with tears in my eyes. i'm sad you're loosing your provo buddy! i hate that you guys are down there now by yourselves. move up here finally!! i think you guys need to come to the fair with us on friday......think about it. love you.

Sarah said...

i will have to second you on shaping your personality. she helped develop my sense of humor, my confidence and my fashion sense. i will to this day never wear pink because of maddie, and sometimes when i am feeling brave and want to be fashionable i think would mads where this?

Chelsea said...

Oh sad!! Goodbyes are never fun, especially when it's a sister and best friend! I'm sorry you're down there all alone, but I agree with Dru- time to move up to slc. Miss you, hope you're doing okay:) love you!

mare said...

awww. sad. i know they will do wonderfully! thanks for saying hello. we will have to get together to make up for missed camping time!
oh-i dont believe that you could put on a pound.
and dont worry, i cry alllll the time!

Brett and Lisa said...

Hey thanks for the congrats! We are excited, and a little overwhelmed. So I am a total stalker and read your family's blogs, and I can't imagine having my family move so far away! Props to you for handling it so well.. I would be a mess!

Brett and Lisa said...

Oh and I should probably mention, if you recognize some of my furniture and decorations, I totally went to your sis-in-laws yard sale. LIke i said, I'm a TOTAL stalker. But I love the 80 dollars worth of stuff I got from her!!!