
Weekend Activities

Matt and I both get so excited for the weekend!! This weekend we continued to explore Boston. We went to Little Italy. This is the area near Paul Revere's house so that was cool...It also had BILLIONS of Italian restaurants. Wyatt, we wished you were with us so you could have helped us pick a good one. They all smelled so yummy and delicious and our friends went to one that was fabulous!! (They were nice enough to share some of their leftovers with us!)

During our wandering we went and found Fenway Park! There was a Red Sox/Yankees game last night so we thought it would be fun to try and get some tickets.
We never found tickets but were kind of glad because it was pouring rain!! Have any of you been watching the weather in this part of the world lately? It was been raining every day for the last week! It been kind of delightful when I'm inside and can listen to it...but quite miserable when we're walking around outside!

After a busy day of sight seeing we were excited to get on the subway and dry off a little bit as we headed home.


CharLee Carn said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a good time here in Boston! I miss you tons...I'm just about done with homework then we can play all the rest of the summer!! Yay!!!

mare said...

you already know how i feel about this post-but i love the look on your face in the shoe store. i love that apartment too and would be satisfied with living in just the closet of it if that was all i could afford:) good taste my friend

Brett and Lisa said...

Hey.. It looks like you two are having a blast back east! I started up a blog.. I hope you don't mind me putting you as a friend on it. The website is thebheezyfamily.blogspot.com. Talk to you later!

Tyler and Dru said...

seriously why am i not living in boston right now while i'm trying to plan this wedding! everything sounds so amazing. i've actually made some changes to the wedding so i'll call you and tell you all about them. i'm so bummed i can't come out!! especially after seeing all your amazing picture.....ah i'm jealous! but don't worry, salt lake is just as great as ever :)

mare said...

ps- thanks for the advice. you know that you are the slim jim i was speakin of, who looked fab in your skinny's right? ok good.

Meeker home said...

Okay I would cut off my left arm to live in one of those townhouses. I'm glad you and Matt are having such a good time. 3 WEEKS TIL WE GET TO SEE YOU! Don't worry- my kids still remember you! Love you.